Introduction: Matrix representation

ki-gub kúr ki-gub kúr
ki-gub kúr

kigubkur is the compound word composing the transliterated Sumerian words ki-gub and kúr standing for state and variable respectively (Ngwua, 2021). Therefore, kigubkur© is a tool aimed at state-variable approach to problem solving.


Constructing a kigubkur© matrix

A matrix in kigubkur© is of the form [[]] such that elements of a row is contained inside [[]].

A row matrix

=> (def r [[1 2 3 4]])

A column matrix

=> (def c [[1][2][3][4]])

A general matrix

=> (def M [[1 2][3 4]])
  • Click here to learn more on matrix representation in kigubkur©.
  • Click here on how to block a pre-block kigubkur© matrix.

Order of a matrix

If m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns, the order or dimension of a matrix is expressed as m × n (Nelson, 2008). In kigubkur© the order is expressed as [m n] using the order function which is imported in the namespace as follows

=> (require '[kigubkur.construct [order :refer [order]]])

Then, to get the order of matrix

=> (order r)
[1 4]
=> (order c)
[4 1]
=> (order M)
[2 2]


  1. Nelson, D. (2008). Matrix (plural matrices). In Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed., p. 282-283).
  2. Ngwua, L. (2021). kigubkur: What’s in a name? [White paper]. NeuralGraphs.