
Elementary Function: Logarithm functions.

(require '[kigubkur.elfun [logarithm :refer [ln loge log10 log2 logb]]])


(ln X)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise logarithm). This is exactly the same as loge.

Syntax: (ln X) s.t X is a scalar or a kigubkur© matrix (or both blocks)


(log10 X)

Returns the log10 of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise logarithm).

Syntax: (log10 X) s.tXis a scalar or a kigubkur<sup>&copy;</sup> matrix (or both blocks)


if x ∈ {##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf}, returns ##NaN,

otherwise, returns log10(x).


(log2 X)

Returns the log2 of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise logarithm).

Syntax: (log2 X) s.tXis a scalar or a kigubkur<sup>&copy;</sup> matrix (or both blocks)


if x ∈ {##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf}, returns ##NaN,

otherwise, returns log2(x).


(logb X b)

Returns the logb of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise logarithm).

Syntax: (logb X b) s.t X is a scalar or a kigubkur© matrix (or both blocks) and b is the base of the logarithm


if x ∈ {##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf}, returns ##NaN,

otherwise, returns logb(x).


(loge X)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise logarithm).

Syntax: (loge X) s.t X is a scalar or a kigubkur© matrix (or both blocks)


if x ∈ {##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf}, returns ##NaN,

otherwise, returns ln(x).