
Elementary Function: Heaviside functions.

  • ustep
  • heavix
(require '[kigubkur.elfun [heaviside :refer [ustep heavix]]])


Unit Step function

=> (ustep -5)
=> (ustep [[-2 -1 0 1 2]])
[[0 0 1 1 1]]
=> (ustep [[-2.5] [-1.5] [0] [1.5] [2.5]])
[[0] [0] [1] [1] [1]]
=> (ustep [[3 -2][0 1]])
[[1 0] [1 1]]

Heaviside extractor

=> (heavix -5)
=> (heavix [[-2 -1 0 1 2]])
[[0 0 0 1 2]]
=> (heavix [[-2.5] [-1.5] [0] [1.5] [2.5]])
[[0] [0] [0] [1.5] [2.5]]
=> (heavix [[3 -2][0 1]])
[[3 0] [0 1]]


(heavix X)

Returns the Heaviside extractor function value of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise step); Heaviside extractor function of x defined as

x [x]+
>0 x
≤0 0

Syntax: (heavix X) s.t X is a scalar or a kigubkur© matrix (or both blocks)

Note: if x ∈ {##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf}, returns ##NaN.


(ustep x)

Returns the Heaviside unit step function value of a number or every element of a matrix or a block (i.e. element-wise step); unit step function of x defined as

x ℱ(x) ≝
≥0 +1
<0 0

Note: if x ∈ {##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf}, returns ##NaN.